
We live in an exciting world! Only in the last 100 years, we have seen deep changes in human history, including unimaginable technological developments, breakthroughs in science and medicine, significant progress in civil rights, and so on.

Unfortunately, in this same world, we constantly see people suffering from terrible catastrophes. In the last few months only, there are more examples than we would want to believe:

  • March 2022: War - Ukraine

  • February 2022: Mudslides - Brazil

  • January 2022: Super Typhoon Rai (Odette) - Philippines

  • December 2021: Tornado Outbreak - United States

  • August 2021: Earthquake and Tropical Storm Grace - Haiti

  • July 2021: Flooding and Typhoons - China

We want to create a community that loves playing games, is excited about blockchain technology, among other cool things. Moreover, a community that is trying to make the world a better place for everyone.

These tokens will be donated when and to whom our community (BTZ token holders) decides. The process to make the donations might vary depending on several factors, but it will be 100% transparent and 100% auditable.

Last updated